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hnology Offer Electrophysiological Method and So�ware to
Recognize Amblyopia in Infancy and Early Childhood

Keywords: amblyopia, human electrophysiology, vision loss, binocular vision


Field of technology: Health industry, visual screening.

Challenge: Amblyopia (i.e. lazy eye) is a leading cause of permanent vision loss below age

of 30 in developed societies. The incidence of this disease is about 6-7% in every population,
independent of race or nationality. The main causes of amblyopia are mild childhood eye
refractory problems (e.g. anisometropia) and/or eye movement disorders (e.g. squint), which
result in a disturbance of visual cortical development. Failure to recognize the problem till 6 or
7 years of age makes the chances of recovery minimal. Irreversible consequences include the
lack of binocular vision and impaired visual acuity in one eye. The degree of vision loss can
vary from mild to complete blindness. This visual impairment not only creates a great hardship
for the child, it can certainly limit future endeavors. Furthermore, if the good, non-amblyopic,
eye becomes damaged (e.g. injury, illness) then the person immediately becomes visually

Brief descrip�on

Our research team implemented an electrophysiological method, which is
capable of recognizing the presence or lack of binocularity as early as six
month of age. The clinical importance of this technique it that the earlier
the detection of the problem, the more efficient the treatment will be. Due
to the lack of verbal communication and cooperation, the evaluation of
visual acuity is practically impossible by other methods from six month to
3.5 years of age.
We also developed a quick, time effective and reliable method to detect
amblyopia in early childhood. This method is capable of identifying all
those childhood visual disorders, which may potentially lead to amblyopia
after about 3 years of age. The test is based on dynamic random dot
stereograms requiring two eyes to recognize a hidden object within the
noise. Movies are generated on a laptop or tablet. In contrast to other
static stereo tests, the perception of the 3D objects becomes more difficult,
even for those who suffer from mild disorder. Our results show that mild
refractive errors and hidden squints can be identified easily.

Development status: The software and protocols are under continuous

development. The software is running on Microsoft Windows and Google’s
Android platform.

IP Status: Know-how. The disclosed method and technology is fully

owned by the University of Pécs. The software connected with the know-how
is copyrighted.

We are seeking for: Collaboration in the framework of licence,

co-development, manufacturing , techno-commercial agreement.

Technology Transfer Office
University of Pécs
Vasvári Pál u. 4.
H-7622 Pécs, HUNGARY
phone: +36 72 50 15 00 / 12292
mobile: +36 30 28 87 076
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