Page 4 - egyben_egyetemi_techn
P. 4
hnology Offer Rapid Determina�on of Amines in Mineral Oil
with Op�cal Sensors

Keywords: optical sensor, sol-gel based, amines, crude oil, mineral oil
Field of technology: Oil industry, crude oil shipment (tanks and pipelines), crude

oil quality control. Determination of corrosive amines in mineral oil. The determination
of water soluble amines is typically performed by chromatographic methods that take
2-4 hours, since extraction is required in most cases. In addition samples have to be
transfer to a laboratory.

Challenge: On-field determination of amines in crude oil within 10 minutes.
Brief descrip�on

Reversible chemical reaction of indicator molecules with the analyte, that results in
change of the optical properties. Method: reflectivity/ATIR measurement. Sensors:
modified sol-gel based ammonia sensor.

Development status: Sensors for the detection of ethanol-amine (5-200 ppm)

dissolved in heptane are available. Research phase completed. Measurements in
crude oil samples for further development are necessary. Development of hand-held
or portable read-out device is possible within 1 year.

IP Status: Know how. The disclosed method and technology is fully owned by the

University of Pécs.

We are seeking for: Collaboration, licensing

Technology Transfer Office
University of Pécs
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